How are you feeling today – really???

Because if the answer isn’t “Blissful! Amazing! Wonderful! Full of optimism, energy and incredible for this blessed week ahead!!” Then….you are not alone. And in fact…you’re completely normal! 

SO MANY of my clients who come into coaching enter feeling stressed, anxious, and on the edge of burnout. 😰😰😰

And a BIG reason for that is exactly what we’re going to address today…

The trap of the ‘shoulds”

Do you know what I mean?…

The voice in our head that constantly tell us how we should be doing things… 

😧”I should be climbing the corporate ladder!” 

😧“I should be productive the whole day!” 

😧”I should be in a job that impresses people!”

😧“I should have my sh@t together!”

😧”I should be earning X amount by now!” 

….and if I’m not…I’m failing, and I’m not going good enough. 

Sound familiar? 

Well here’s what I’ve learned in my many years in the self development world…those ‘shoulds’ are often not YOUR desires at all. They’re society’s expectations, what your family wants for you…they’re what you see other people doing….

And they’re NOT necessarily what is actually what is best and true for you. 

If there’s one thing I’ve learned… it’s that measuring your life based on other people’s expectations and desires is one big recipe for feeling unfulfilled and burnt out faster than you can say “helllllllllllllp meeeee’”!

So, today we’re going to peel back those layers of ‘shoulds’ and get to the real stuff – what YOU truly want from your career. Because it’s when you discover that, and begin to live by it, that real freedom and fulfillment comes. 

Are you ready? Let’s do this!

🌟 Quick ‘Peel the Should’ Exercise 🌟  1️⃣ Grab a piece of paper (or open a google doc if you’re feeling techy!)
  2️⃣ Write down all the ‘shoulds’ you tell yourself about your career. Don’t hold back
  3️⃣ Now, for each ‘should’ statement, ask yourself: “Is this really true?…Do you really need that thing to be happy? Could things be okay without it, or with something different instead? Notice how you feel as you explore this question for each of your shoulds.
  4️⃣ Next, look at your “shoulds” list, and see how many you can now cross out (eeek, scary I know!)
  5️⃣ And finally…take a breath, then pick up your pen again, and write an “I would love” list. What would you LOVE from your career? What would make you excited and joy-filled? …

…Because this is the place where you start to discover your real career desires. ❤️

Pretty eye-opening, right? When you begin to strip away those external expectations, you often find that your true desires are quite different, and… often way more exciting!

There’s no “right” path in your career journey. What matters is that it feels good and authentic to YOU. 

You are unique, wonderful, and have so much to offer the world…not by trying to be what other people think you should be, but by being YOU!

If this exercise brought up some big feelings or revelations for you, I’m here to chat. You can always hit reply to this email or book a [free Discovery Call] if you want to dive deeper into creating a career that lets you be you.