September has arrived (can you believe it???) and for me, that always means a fresh start, and a new focus. 💫

Are you ready to join me?…

Because as the leaves *almost* start to fall from the trees and you prepare to get hella cozy for the fall…whatever happened this summer, now is your time to get take a breath 💨, hit refresh 🔄, and get focused 🎯 on what you really want for the rest of this year (oooo it makes me so excited!!!)

So today we’re gonna start the refresh by talking about something BIG… something that might even change the way you think about your career path forever….

What is it? Expectations!

It’s time to bust the career expectations that are keeping you stuck on the wrong path!…

Because the career expectations we grew up with may have been helpful to our grandparents, but that doesn’t mean they’re helpful (or true!) to YOU. 

Here’s a crazy fact:

🤯 Did you know that 65% of children entering elementary school today will end up working in jobs that don’t even exist yet?? (World Economic Forum)

That’s wild right?! 

So much is changing. And the old ways of thinking about our careers aren’t serving up.

So, let’s take a peek at some old vs. new career ideas:

Old Career Thinking:

  • One career for life
  • Success = corner office and big salary
  • Work-life balance? What’s that?
  • Follow the “safe” path

New Career Thinking:

  • Multiple careers and continuous learning
  • Success = fulfillment, impact & wellbeing
  • Work-life integration and priortizing you wellbeing (because you are your most important asset!)
  • Create your own path

Now, I know change can feel scary. But here’s the thing – when you start to align your career with you truly are, with your natural skills, your talents, and your passions, magic can happen. You feel more energized, more creative, and way more fulfilled. Kinda cool right?

So, if you’re ready to shed those old expectations and discover what truly aligns with YOU…here’s an exercise to try: 

🌟 The Career Expectation Detox 🌟

  1. Grab a piece of paper and divide it into two columns: “Old Expectations” and “Authentic Desires”
  2. In the “Old Expectations” column, list all the career “shoulds” you’ve been carrying around. (Example: “I should have a prestigious job title”, “I should climb the ladder”)
  3. Now, take a deep breath and ask yourself: “If I could design my ideal career, without any judgment or limitations, what would it look like?”
  4. In the “My Authentic Desires” column, write down what comes up. Focus on how you want to feel, not just what you want to do. (Example: “I want to be creative every day”)
  5. Look at both columns. Notice the difference. How does each one make you feel in your body?
  6. Circle the items in your “Authentic Desires” column that excite you the most. These are your clues to a more fulfilling career path!

Remember, this isn’t about throwing everything away and starting from scratch (unless that’s what you want!). It’s about gently letting go of expectations that no longer serve you, so you can make room for what truly lights you up.

You got this, and I am so excited I get to accompany you along this journey!

And if this exercise brought up some big feelings or revelations for you, I’m here to chat. You can always hit reply to this email or book a free Discovery Call if you want to dive deeper into creating a career that lets you be the real, amazing YOU!

Keep shining your light, my friend. The world needs your unique magic!